Ye, October (2)
On October 1, the military convoy was attacked twice along the Ye-Thanbyuzayat route, resulting in significant losses, a People’s Defense Force (PDF) source informed Than Lwin Times.
Near Thanbyuzayat’s Wekali village, the PDF attacked a 10-vehicle military convoy heading Ye from Thanbyuzayat with landmines around 10 am on October 1.
The PDF attacked the convoy that had already been hit by landmines again with weapons between Aungtharyar and Kaninkamaw villages in Ye Township.

At least five military personnel may have died during the incident, and the details of the situation are still being investigated, a PDF member from northern Ye said.
A PDF soldier was slightly injured in the reprisal shooting by the military council.
The Ye-Thanbyuzayat road was blocked for over an hour due to the clash.
Four members of the Military Council were killed and two others were wounded when the Taung Nyo People’s Guerrilla Group of the Mon State ambushed a convoy between Kaninkamaw and Aungthayar villages in Ye Township on September 28.
News – Than Lwin Times