Sittwe, October (6)
The junta-controlled Union Election Commission (UEC) has summoned the Arakan National Party (ANP) for expressing the party’s opinion on the resumption of battle between the regime forces and the Arakan Army (AA) in Rakhine State, according to ANP party chairman U Thar Htun Hla.
The Rakhine National Party issued a statement on September 29 regarding the death, injury, and destruction of homes and the military council’s restriction of access to roads and waterways due to the resurgence of fighting in Rakhine State.
In the statement, they made a strong request to the armed groups in Rakhine State not to utilize the local villages as cover or as a place to fight.

In addition, they strongly objected to the deaths, injuries, and damage caused by the military council’s artillery shelling.
The Union Election Commission of the Military Council has summoned the Arakan National Party to come and meet on October 12 because of this statement.
Rakhine National Party Chairman U Tha Htun Hla told Than Lwin Times that since he received the summons from UEC only around the evening of October 4, and it will be decided within the party whether to meet or not.
The Arakan National Party (ANP), a powerful ethnic political party, secured the fourth-highest number of parliamentary seats in the 2020 general election.
News – Than Lwin Times