Yangon, November (9)
The NLD party has declared that representatives of Myanmar affairs, including the ASEAN Special Envoy, can find a practical solution to the problem only if they can freely meet and discuss with public leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.
The National League for Democracy (NLD) released a statement on November 8, the 2nd anniversary of the 2020 general election.
There are 91 political parties running in the 2020 general election, 19 of which won, and among the independent candidates, they gained two seats for State and Regional Hluttawas and two seats for ethnic affairs ministers.
The National League for Democracy (NLD) won 920 of the 1,117 out of 1,171 constituencies that elections were held in, exceeding the number of seats needed to form a government and winning more than 82.4% of the vote.
The military regime led by General Min Aung Hlaing took over after claims of election fraud, violating the constitution, seizing state power, and arresting party leaders arbitrarily.

The NLD said the military regime had committed crimes such as the arrest of the leaders of the NLD who won the election, the members of parliament and party members, the sealing of their homes without valid reasons, the invasion and destruction of offices, including the party headquarters, and the forcible taking of assets of the party.
According to the NLD-HRD T, a group that monitors human rights violations, 1, 169 party members, including 90 MPs, had been imprisoned as of October.
67 people, including two members of parliament, died while in custody, and there were 120 intrusions into party offices.
The homes of 274 NLD members, 136 of whom are members of parliament, were sealed and confiscated.
Currently, the military council is planning to hold a fake election, and the NLD made it clear that they would not accept the military’s attempt to gain political legitimacy and international recognition.
In addition, the NLD party has requested that world leaders, including ASEAN, prioritize the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all political prisoners as a matter of priority because they need to meet and discuss with leaders who have real representation.
The NLD urged United Nations and world communities, to step up their efforts so that the crimes committed by the military council might be punished in accordance with international law.
News – Than Lwin Times