Kyaikto, December (4)
The junta forces of Military Council started to launch an offensive in Kyaikto of KNU Brigade 1 on December 3, the source from Thaton PDF told Than Lwin Times.
The 80-strong forces marched from Maelay village, Kyaikto Township.
The regime’s Theinzayat artillery indiscriminately fired 20 mortar shells into the villages of Zeebyaung, Moebaw and Natsin on December 2 before the invasion.

Although there were no firefights until the afternoon of December 3, tensions heightened between the two sides, Ko Aye Min Tun, the PDF official, said.
The junta’s invasion forced the residents of five villages, including Moebaw, Natsin, and Zeabyaung, to flee, the source said.
Meanwhile, there have been at least 10 clashes between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) joint forces and the junta army because of the invasion of regime forces from November 13 to November 20.
The regime troops invaded the KNU-controlled area of Belin Township on the pretext of clearing the area on December 2.
News-Than Lwin Times