Thayatchaung, Decmebr (15)
A joint camp of the junta army and Pyu Saw Htee militia, stationed in Pedek village, Thayatchaung Township of Tanintharyi Region, was attacked early in the morning on December 14, the sources close to the PDF told Than Lwin Times.
The combined force of the People’s Defense Forces launched an offensive on the joint camp of the military regime and its allies, the Pyu Saw Htee militia group, around 4 am yesterday morning.

The two sides exchanged fire for three hours, and four junta soldiers were reportedly killed.
The PDF joint forces seized some weapons, and some soldiers were captured alive in the raid, but Than Times has not been able to confirm this independently.
The Joint Local People’s Defense Forces successfully retreated after the attack on the camp, but the military council continued to fire with heavy and small weapons until the afternoon with additional reinforcements.
None of the PDF forces have yet issued a statement regarding the attack on the regime’s joint base.
News-Than Lwin Times