Ye, December (27)
After an outpost stationed in Mon State’s Ye Township, was attacked, the military council expanded its forces, causing military tension between the two sides, Ye Guerrilla Force (YGF) told Than Lwin Times.
The joint force of Ye PDF and YGF raid a junta camp in Kyoe Tadar village on Decmebr 24.
Following the incident, the junta army reinforced approximately 40 soldiers and deployed some units along the Mawlayine-Ye road.

The PDF member stated that they are prepared for combat as the regime forces may move closer to them with more reinforcements.
The locals are concerned about the possibility of a conflict between the two sides, and most of them are afraid to go to their field work.
About 10 military personnel might have been killed in the attack on outpost, the PDF said.
A woman from Kyo Tadar village was killed in the mortar explosion fired by junta’s LIB 588 based in Ye.
Following the military coup, there were frequent exchanges of fire between the junta army and the Local People’s Defense Forces in Ye Township which was provided with tightened security.
News-Than Lwin Times