Mawlamyine, April (1)

On the first day of Myanmar subject test for the matriculation exam held by the military regime in Mon State, more than 700 students failed to sit the exam, according to the military council’s state education office.

More than 11,800 students have applied for university entrance exams held by the military council in Mon State and on the first day, there were only 11,100 students who took the test.

The military council has set up more than 46 testing centers in Mon State for matriculation exams, and has tightened security at schools where exams are held.

The students have some difficulties with not being able to study full time, not having enough time to study and for not being asked what they were taught.

In Mon State, there were more than 30,000 exam takers before the military coup, and only 10,000 following the coup.

The matriculation exam is scheduled to run from March 31 to April 9.

News – Than Lwin Times

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