Mawlamyine, April (21)

The military council secretly instructed its troops to launch offensives into Myeik, Taininthari, Thayet Chaung, Dawei and Palaw Townships.

According to the secret order of the military council, the first military column is instructed to conduct an offensive launch into Thamote, Palaw, Palauk arear and the second column into Kyweku, Taku, Thanhla, Tanintahari, Thabotleik to crackdown on the PDFs and clear the area.

Besides, they secretly instructs five townships in Tanintharyi Region to launch simultaneous military operations.

They also ordered offensives against Thayet Chaung, Pyinponegyi, Sonesinphyar, and Taungpyauk as the first move, followed by inspections and searches in Dawei as the second move.

It has been instructed to investigate the villagers associated with PDF groups during the territorial war and eliminate them if necessary.

An official from the Dawei People’s Defense Force said that the people should be prepared to avoid being trapped in the fighting as the fighting could intensify if the military council invades.

The coup council used troops from other areas in the past, but has now ordered the use of local battalions.

In Tanintharyi Regioin, fighting between the military council and the local People’s Defense Force continued after the military coup, forcing thousands of locals to flee.

News – Than Lwin Times

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