Mawlamyine, April (22)

On April 20, Brigadier General Saw Sami Say Po released a statement stating that household censuses and citizenship verification cards, which are part of the military council’s Pan Khin project, are no longer permitted in the KNU Brigade 6 controlled territory of Dooplaya District.

Officials from Kyainseikgyi Township’s Ministry of Immigration and Population, as well as the relevant front office, sent a notice to Brigade 6’s commander in March, requesting assistance with citizenship cards and household censuses for local residents in Dooplaya District.

Despite the approval, the military council carried out military operations in Dooplaya District, resulting in confrontations that destabilized the area, harmed local people’s lives, and raised security concerns.

The KNU has revoked its permission for military council’s Pan Kin project to assist in conducting a household census due to security concerns.

“The fighting is still going on.There are tens of thousands of refugees, and the priority is to flee, so there is no emphasis on citizenship cards. That is why we must inform the military council that the project must be halted,”said Pado Saw Taw Ni, a spokesman for the KNU.

The military council is implementing a Pan Khin project for registration of all citizens to get a citizenship card, and to provide all eligible voters with a valid ballot paper during the election.

However, fighting between the KNLA joint forces and the military personnel has increased in the Dooplaya District area controlled by the KNU’s 6th Brigade, prompting tens of thousands of residents to flee.

News – Than Lwin Times

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