Loikaw, May (1)

Karenni human rights organisations claim that the number of women trafficked from Karenni State surged after the military coup.

At a time when young women are fleeing the war with fewer job opportunities, the brokers lied to the women that they would get jobs in Malaysia, Thailand and China.

Hundreds of young women, especially from Karenni State’s Demoso Township and Daung Ngan Khar area, have been trafficked.

According to Ko Banya, director of Karenni Human Rights Group, the country’s lack of rule of law and the anti-trafficking body’s failure to investigate could lead to increasing incidences of human trafficking.

Some young ladies in Karenni State who were trafficked are suffering from significant mental and physical difficulties and are unable to speak.

Eighty percent of trafficked women nationwide are taken to China as wives.

News – Than Lwin Times

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