Yangon, June (2)

The Women’s League of Burma (WLB) said that the military council arrested and killed more than 170 women nationwide during the coup.

The military shot and killed women who peacefully protested, while women who resisted them were detained and mistreated in prisons.

According to the Women’s League of Burma, from February last year to April this year, 171 women across the country were arbitrarily arrested and killed, and the actual number could be much higher.

The military council will have to pay for their actions at some point, a member of the WLB and women’s leadership said.

“The military council must pay the price for such violations. There are many victims. They have to take responsibility for them,” she added.

More than 2,000 women were imprisoned and more than 150 were sentenced during the military coup. The coup junta also sentenced eight women to death.

Detained women, on the other hand, have been exposed to mental and physical violence in prisons, as well as sexual assault, and their human rights have been violated.

News – Than Lwin Times

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