Thaton, June (7)

More than 3,000 locals have fled the mortar shelling of the 9th Light Infantry Battalion in Thaton Township, controlled by KNU 1st Brigade, according to the statement issued on June 6 by the Karen National Union (Thaton District).

The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and junta forces commenced fighting on June 1, and artillery shells have been fired into the Wi Yaw village tract since then.

More than 3 000 civilians from Wi Yaw, Thone Su Kale, Htone Bo Lay and Htone Bo Gyi villages are fleeing due to the heavy artillery fire.

The KNU said most of the displaced people are fleeing to relatives’ homes in nearby villages while others seek safety in nearby towns.

With the onset of the rainy season, the IDPs are in need of rice, oil, salt and medicine as well as shelters.

According to a KNU spokesperson, combat between the two sides is likely to worsen after the junta troops launched a military offensive into KNU-controlled Thaton and Kyaikto Townships.

In May, the KNLA and junta soldiers clashed 41 times in Thaton District, which is controlled by the KNU Brigade 1, killing 71 military personnel.

News – Than Lwin Times

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