Thandaung, June (8 )

On the morning of June 7, Thandaung People’s Defense Force attacked the military regime’s base located 13 miles away from Thandaung Township, Karen State, killing one military officer by sniper, according to Thandaung PDF.

According to the statement, Thandaung PDF launched a sniper attack on a military base on Thandaung- Thandaung Gyi Road, killing the deputy commanding officer or deputy company commander.

After the death of a military council officer by a sniper, the military troops searched the commuters at the entrance of Thandaung Township and nearby villages, and beat the civilians under interrogation, the locals said.

The Thandaung PDF has issued a warning to locals to remain careful since the military council is patrolling the town while firing.

Last May, a combined force of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) attacked the military council’s bases in KNU Taungoo District Brigade 2/ KNDO Battalion 4 area, killing 16 junta soldiers and injuring four others, KNU reported.

The local KNLA Brigade 2’s combined force frequently clashed with junta troops who invaded the brigade 2’s territory, according to the KNLA Brigade Commander.

News – Than Lwin Times

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