Demoso, July (9)

The junta forces conducted a spate of airstrikes in Kayah State since the first week of July, officials from the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) told Than Lwin Times.

The military council has carried airstrikes after a combined force of Karenni Army (KA) and KNDF attacked the junta’s Thinbawpin camp near Lawpita village in Loikaw Township.

The military council launched 20 air strikes during the battle, including 11 attacks by helicopter and 9 fighter jet attacks.

The Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) has said that the fighting is still ongoing and the exact number of casualties is not yet known.

However, 40 military soldiers and 11 PDFs were killed in the clashes on July 4 in Pekhon Township.

Fighting between the two sides has intensified as the PDF Alliance tries to seize junta bases in Loikaw and Pekone Townships in Kayah State.

Currently, the military council is increasing its forces to prevent the loss of its bases and launching a lot of airstrikes.

News- Than Lwin Times

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