Dawei, July (22)

A military convoy of 19 vehicles hit landmines near Pakhat village, in Tanintharyi Region’s Dawei Township, and at least 20 soldiers were reportedly killed, according to the Dawei People’s Defense Force (AdenHmu).

On the evening of July 20, Dawei PDF attacked a 19-vehicle military convoy heading towards Dawei from Pakari village with landmines.

At least 20 military personnel were probably killed and 10 others wounded when three military vehicles struck the landmines.

Moreover, the military regime’s advance unit was also attacked by the Dawei PDF near Wetthay village in Dawei Township on July 20.

The four junta soldiers reportedly died on the spot in the attack.

In Dawei Township, during July, the junta forces advanced towards the areas where the People’s Defense Forces might be stationed, and thus the clashes were going on while their vehicles were frequently attacked with landmines.

News – Than Lwin Times

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