Demoso, July (21)

The Khar Nan clinic, opened by the People’s Defense Forces in Karenni State’s Demoso Township, had to stop providing services to the displaced people due to a shortage of medical supplies, an information officer from Demoso PDF told Than Lwin Times.

The Khar Nan mobile clinic provides medical services twice a week to refugees fleeing the conflict.

However, starting from the third week of July, the mobile health clinic had to stop due to running out of medicine.

A PDF information officer said that due to the suspension of the service, it may cause a lot of trouble for the elderly taking refuge in the forest fleeing the conflict and those who need to receive medical attention.

The Khar Nan medical group was established in September 2021, and CDM doctors are in charge and provide free services.

Approximately 4,000 patients have received medical treatment to date, and the group provides services for 60 people per day through a mobile clinic system.

In Karenni State, the junta troops confiscated the medicine when they discovered them, so the aid workers are facing difficulties in delivering the medical supplies.

For the time being, the IDPs in Karenni State are suffering from seasonal flu and diarrhea.

News – Than Lwin Times

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