Nyaunglaybin, July (26)

The locals are fleeing and hiding again in Kyaukgyi and Mone Townships of Nyaunglaypin District, which are under the control of the Karen National Union (KNU), as a result of mortar strikes and arson attacks by regime troops.

The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) clashed with junta armed forces in recent days in KNU-controlled Kyaukgyi Township, and tents and homes of residents of Kyunggyi and Natthan Gwin villages were damaged by the mortar shells fired by the military council.

On July 22, the regime forces invaded Kawtpyin village in KUN-controlled Mone Township and fired about 15 gunshots into the orchards of the locals, said in the KNU’s statement.

The local villagers who returned home recently were scared by the army’s firing and had to flee to safety again. The villagers from eight villages, including Kawtpyin village, are now fleeing from the danger.

The military troops and fire police ransacked the KNU’s relations office and took one handphone in Kyaukgyi Township, the KUN said.

In Kyaukgyi Township, nine civilians were killed by the junta’s mortar shells, and there are more than 16,000 displaced people fleeing the conflict.

News- Than Lwin Times

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