Yangon, August (9)
The revolutionary forces in Mon state have vowed to keep fighting for both the unending revolution and the people’s liberation.
August 8 of this year marks the 34th anniversary of the military dictatorship of the Burma Socialist Programme Party led by General Ne Win, opposed by various ethnic groups and all walks of life across the country.
In the 1988 Four Eights Democracy Uprising, the people sacrificed their lives and defied the harsh oppression of the military dictator until the Spring Revolution.

“Until the military dictator is overthrown, the PDF will continue to fight for democracy and the liberation of the people under the guidance of ethnic armed organizations. After that, the civilian government will keep carrying out for self-determination. The first priority of PDF is to defeat the military council, “a PDF official told Than Lwin Times.
Due to the military council that annulled the results of the 2020 general election and seized power, the country is already deteriorating from all sides with political, economic and health crises.
All of Myanmar’s ethnic groups are now still engaged in fighting with the younger generation to end the military dictatorship and build a federal democracy.
“We shall prioritize bringing down the military dictatorship, achieving ethnic group equality and self-determination, and eliminating chauvinism,” said Ko Agga, joint-incharge of the Mon State-based Revolutionary Organization (MSRO) based in Ye Township.
Fighting between the junta armed forces and the PDF joint forces including ethnic armed groups, has gotten worse following the military takeover in a wide range of states and regions.
After the military takeover, at least 20 armed resistance forces have appeared in Mon State and are using a variety of tactics to attack the military council forces and their supporters.
Thankin Myo Sett, the leader of Paung PDF, said, “This is the military dictatorship that the ethnic groups have been fighting for 60-70 years, as well as the unfinished uprising of 1988. All this must end with this spring revolution. Therefore, we must unite and fight until the military dictatorship disappears, and we must try to build a federal union and a federal army”.
With the motto “Let’s struggle together for unending 8888 Uprising People’s liberation,” the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society declared that they would resist the military dictatorship until it was expelled from this nation and federal democracy flourished.
The All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) urges everyone to work together in political, military, and diplomatic activities to establish a federal system that guarantees equality and self-determination.
News – Than Lwin Times