Yangon, August (9)

The information officer of the Yangon Region People’s Brigade said that they will attempt to seize the entire Yangon region ruled by the coup military council in a year and a half.

The Yangon People’s Brigade, which is composed of 16 revolutionary forces, has set a military strategy to attack and seize Yangon, which is now controlled by the military council, in three phases: Rose Wave, Eagle Wave, and Dragon Wave.

In those three waves, the Rose Wave was an explosive attack, the Eagle Wave was a bigger attack, and the last Dragon Wave was aimed at taking control of Yangon.

The three-wave military strategy is to restore Yangon’s sovereignty to the National Unity Government and drive out the military council permanently, said the Yangon Region Brigade’s information officer.

“We want the NUG government to have sovereignty. The military council would be entirely driven out of Yangon and attacked until the NUG has complete authority in the final Dragon Wave,” he said.

In order to recapture Yangon from the military council, we will also seek the help of ethnic armed organizations in attacking with three waves.

The Yangon Region People’s Brigade, which is made up of 16 revolutionary forces, held a press conference on August 7 regarding their upcoming three-wave military strategy.

The Yangon Region People’s Brigade consists of 16 revolutionary forces and was established on April 27 this year.

News-Than Lwin Times

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