Paung, August (11)
The military council sealed off the residence of an NLD executive committee member in Kawkan village of Ohntapin village tract in Mon State’s Paung Township, the local sources informed Than Lwin Times.
On August 9, regime troops and police officers came and cordoned off the home of U Saw San Win, the NLD executive member of Paung Township.
The military council claimed that U Saw San Win’s house was seized as state property because he was connected to a terrorist organization.

According to local residents, U Saw San Win has been on the run for months after the military council opened a case against him under Section 52(a) of the Anti-Terrorism Act after the military coup.
On August 7, after a fire broke out at U Saw San Win’s home, the military council forces arrived to inspect the home.
The house was then sealed off after the Telegram accounts of military supporters stated that during the inspection, one grenade, 50 rounds of 9 mm, and a sniper rifle in a bamboo basket in the corner of the living room were found.
On December 22 last year, the military council sealed off the home of State Hluttaw representative U Zaw Zaw Htoo.
News – Than Lwin Times