Kyaikto, August (27)

Three soldiers were killed in a mine attack in the street of Yadanar Ngwe Moe flower shop in Moppalin village of Mayang Chaung village tract in Mon State’s Kyaikto Township, Thaton District PDF told Than Lwin Times.

On August 26, mines exploded in the Yadanar Ngwe Moe flower shop in Bael Yard as regime forces arrived to demine.

The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and PDF joint forces conducted the mine attack on junta forces who came to clear the mines.

The blast left three soldiers dead, and the bodies were taken away to Kyaikto by hijet car, the PDF official said.

After the explosion, the regime forces arrested two civilians nearby and have not released them until now.

Since the military coup, frequent clashes have occurred between resistance forces and junta forces, and military convoys hit the landmines planted by revolutionary forces from time to time.

More than 22,000 local people have been forced to flee the conflict between the two sides for a year and a half after the military seized power in a coup.

News – Than Lwin Times

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