Mawlamyine, October (14)
U Khun Myint Tun, chairman of the Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC), told the Than Lwin Times that the house belonging to his parents in Thuwannawaddy Town, in Mon State’s Thatthong Township, was sealed off by the Military Council.
The military council cordoned off the home of Khun Myint Tun’s parents, which is located on Lay Thar Road, Theinseik Ward, Thathon Township of Thuvannawaddy Town at around 2 pm on October 12.
Khun Myint Tun’s father allowed his house to be opened as an NLD office since the NLD party was founded.

According to Khun Myint Tun, “it is possible that the military council removed the NLD party offices in advance of the upcoming election, and the house was sealed because I joined the Pa-O National Federal Council and was working to end the military dictatorship.”
The military council said that Khun Myint Tun’s parents’ house had to be sealed off because it was linked to a terrorist organization.
In the early days of the military coup, military forces raided Khun Myint Tun’s parents’ home, where the NLD party office was located, and ransacked it.
Khun Myint Tun was a representative of the NLD party that won the 1990 election, as well as the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, and member of the central committee of the Pa-O National Liberation League (PNLO), and he is currently the chairman of the Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC).
News – Than Lwin Times