Kyaikto, October (23)
More than 8,000 displaced people from KNU Bridage 1, Thaton Township are in dire need of food and clothing, the officials from KNU’s Thaton District told Than Lwin Times.
Since October 14, the 300-strong regime troops invaded Kyaikto Township, clashing with the combined forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA).

Military Council troops burned down Painnegone and Shwegero villages, and fired mortar shells into the nearby villages, forcing more than 8,000 local residents to flee to the forests and other safer places.
The displaced people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance such as food, clothes, and medicine, the chairman of KNU’s Allied Supervisory Committee, Colonel Saw Kyaw Myint said.
The Karen National Union (KNU) and Karen civil organizations are struggling to provide assistance to fleeing residents.
There were at least 13 clashes between October 14 and 22 when junta forces advanced towards Kyaikto Township, with casualties on both sides.
News – Than Lwin Times