Thaton, November (6)
The two comrades from the Thaton-based revolutionary force were killed in a mine accident, an official from the KNU’s Allied Supervisory Committee told Than Lwin Times.
The comrades of Hawk Revolutionary Squad (HRS), which is based in Mon State’s Thaton Township, were killed in a mine accident on November 2.
The two young men killed in the mine explosion were Comrade Tun Tun (aka Atun), aged 21, and Comrade Wei Phyo Oo, aged 29.
The funeral for the two fallen troops was held on November 2, according to Major Saw Kyaw Myint, chairman of the KNU’s Allied Supervisory Committee.

According to HRS, the deaths of two comrades is a significant loss for the group, and the remaining comrades will fight until the revolution is achieved.
The Hawk Revolutionary Squad (HRS), based in Thaton Township, is a unit under the command of the KNU’s Allied Supervisory Committee, and is fighting for the downfall of the military dictatorship.
News-Than Lwin Times