Phayarthonezu, January (25)
The Joint Guerrilla Force (Phayarthonezu) urged the employees working under the military council in Phayarthonezu in KNU Brigade 6 to join the CDM as soon as possible.
On January 23, the Joint Guerrilla Force set fire to the immigration office, the administration department, and the municipal office in Phayarthonezu Town.

The Joint Guerrilla Force said, the last night’s incident pointed out that there is no one to protect the employees working under the military council in case of an emergency.
Therefore, the resistance group has urged people to join hands with the people and participate in CDM as soon as possible instead of continuing to serve under the military council.
In addition, motorcycle taxi drivers and individuals serving as informants for the military council have been warned to stop their activities starting today, the Joint Guerrilla Force said in its statement.
After the Guerrilla Force raided and set fire to three offices of the military council in Phayarthonezu Town, the junta army and Border Guard Force (BGF) arrived and guarded them, and some local residents fled to Thailand.
News-Than Lwin Times