Nyaunglaybin, Febraury (15)
More than 1,000 locals from three villages have escaped the military regime’s mortar shelling in Shwekyin Township, Nyaunglaybin District, according to the Karen National Union (KNU) and Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN).
In the morning of February 11, the 20th Light Infantry Battalion fired three mortar rounds, which exploded in Nyaungpingyi village, Shwe Kyin Township, injuring three local residents and damaging their homes and rice barns.
Meawhile, in the night of February 11 and the morning of February 12, LIB 20 of the military council stationed in Pazunyaung village deliberately fired heavy artillery into Shwekyin township of the KNU Brigade 3, which exploded in Nyangpingyi Ywarthit and Nyangpingyi Ywama villages, killing four local cows, according to the statement.

As a result, 1,243 local residents of Nyangpingyi Ywarthit, Nyangpingyi Ywama, and Thatuukon village are no longer living in the village and are fleeing to nearby villages, their relative’s houses, and the city, according to KNU.
A spokesman for the Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN) said that the situation of human rights violations by the military regime in the KNU area is currently at its highest level.
In the two years since the military coup, more than 8,000 clashes broke out between the military council and KNU battalions in KNU territory , causing hundreds of thousands of local people to flee.
News-Than Lwin Times