Kawthoolei, February (17)
Nearly 160 houses were destroyed by wildfire in two displaced villages where all the villagers had fled the conflict in Ledo Town, Khale Lwihtu district of Kawthoolei area under KNU Brigade 3, reported by KNU on February 16.
On February 12, a wildfire broke out in Kyaung Pyar village in KNU’s Mu Township and spread to the villages, destroying around 150 houses out of more than 220 houses.
In addition, on February 10, a wildfire spread into Kawtpyin village, and seven of the village’s 513 houses were burned, according to KNU’s statement.

The KNU said that the villagers of the two villages that were burned have been fleeing their villages since July last year due to human rights violations by the junta army and have not yet returned to their homes.
The wildfire occurred when the displaced people dared not return to their homes because the military council arrested, tortured, and killed those who had returned home.
On February 15, the regime’s two aircraft dropped four bombs on Ledo Towsnhip, firing air guns and artillery, but no damage was reported, according to the KNU statement.
News-Than Lwin Times