Kyaukdu, 2 February
Trade of rice and broken rice from Kyaukdu town in Magway region to other areas will be prohibited commencing 1 March, according to the order of local public administration.
The order was aimed to prevent shortage of food in the areas as the junta has blocked all the flow of basic commodities, information, fund and manpower into Kyaukdu area.
“When clashes are intensifying at present, the military has banned rice trade from the areas with surplus rice produce, such as Pakkoku and Chauk town, to other region. The junta has blocked the flow of basic requirements into our area. And that we need to have sufficient rice both for the locals and people defense forces, “ said local public administrator Ko Yaw Gyi to Than Lwin Times.

He also said the order was made at the meeting to prevent shortage of food, speculation and flow of rice into the pro-military villages in Pauk Township.
Locals are now preparing for the next cultivation of rice in eastern part of Kyaukdu area. After the crops have been harvested, certain amount of rice will be stockpiled for the locals and PDFs, and the surplus produce will be sold to other areas.
The paddy yield in Yaw area is high, and the produce is sold to people in nearby areas, Mindat and Pauk areas at stable prices.
The junta has declared martial law in Saw Township, and Kyaukdu area has seen armed conflicts between the military and local militia forces. Around 7,000 people have been forced to flee from their homes due to the frequent armed clashes.
News— Than Lwin Times
Photo: CJ