Pekon, Febraury (24)
More than 20 children are suffering from diarrhea, and a seven-month-old child has died of this disease in western Bupyar village of the border town of Pekon between Kayah and Shan States, the aid workers told Than Lwin Times.
Since the beginning of February, more than 20 children in Bupyar village have had diarrhea, and a seven-month-old child died on February 14 due to a lack of treatment.
The children who are currently infected with diarrhea are under the age of five and have now received medical treatment, said an official of the Mobye Rescue Team.
More than 300 people live in Bupyar village, which has 51 houses, and they are also IDPs from Kayah State.
Diarrhea cases are on the rise among displaced people living in Kayah state and the Shan-Kayah border due to a lack of drinking water and inadequate health care.

In Kayah State, home to more than 300,000 people, there are more than 200,000 IDPs fleeing the conflict fighting between the regime forces and the resistance forces, and only 35 percent of them receive health care.
According to the statistics of the Institute for Strategic and Policy (ISP-Myanmar), an independent research group, after the coup, Kayah State had the second highest number of displaced people after Sagaing Region.
The Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) said that it is cooperating with mobile medical teams to provide health care to those IDPs in Kayah State, as well as seeking to obtain medical supplies.
More than three million children in Myanmar are facing additional health risks because of a lack of access to clean drinking water, according to the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
News-Than Lwin Times