Ye, June (29)
A car was shot during the exchange of fire between the two sides at the 40-foot bridge in Kalawt village, Mon State’s Ye Township, and four civilians, including a kid, were injured, locals confirmed to Than Lwin Times.
On June 28, at 8:00 a.m., a patrol vehicle of the 19th Military Operations Command (MOC-19) based in Ye Township was ambushed Ye Balu resistance group.
A civilian car heading to Dawei from Yangon was stuck in the shooting, and a one-and-a-half-year-old child, a man, and two women were injured in the car.

It is reported that the female driver was seriously injured and was transported to Yangon Hospital from Ye.
The leader of Ye Balu wrote on social media that five members of the military council were killed in the attack on a patrol military vehicle.
There have been frequent clashes between the joint forces of the revolutionary forces and the junta army in Mon State’s Ye Township, where martial law has been imposed, killing civilians.
News-Than Lwin Times
Photo- Aung Mingalar Funeral Services and Social Rescue Team