Kyaukkyi, 17 August
The military regime carried out 33 airstrikes and more than 400 rounds of artillery fire on Bago Region’s Kyaukkyi Township, where the fighting escalated, in 100 days, according to the Karen Emergency Relief Committee.
From May 1 to August 15, junta soldiers advanced towards Kyaukkyi Township and carried out targeted air assaults and artillery strikes on civilians for more than 100 days.
A total of 6 people, including four students, were killed, 13 civilians were seriously injured, and 20 houses were destroyed in junta attacks.
In addition, the military council detained 18 people, tortured and killed two others, burned three others alive, and destroyed nearly 20 houses, according to the statement.

Airstrikes and heavy artillery shelling by the regime forces have forced more than 8,000 local people to flee their homes from 10 villages, including Inn Pa Yi, Kyaungkon, Yedwinkon, Kan Kalamy, Paukkon, and Nwar Ye CHaung.
More than 2,000 people from eight villages were also impacted by the flood, and they are struggling to survive amid poor road communication, the rising cost of basic goods and the scarcity of employment opportunities. They also need urgent medical supplies amid dengue and seasonal flu outbreaks.
According to the Karen Emergency Relief Committee, people afflicted by violence and disasters need urgent support for their health, education, and livelihood.
The Karen Emergency Relief Committee called for local and international organizations to put pressure on the military council for their war crimes and human rights violations against civilians.
News-Than Lwin Times