Pala, 19 August
Two civilians were injured due to the reckless firing of regime troops who suffered mine attacks in Pala town of Palaw Township, Tanintharyi Region, according to locals and Battalion 1-Myeik District.
The resistance joint forces detonated landmine to attack two military patrol vehicles carrying around 30 troops at 7 p.m. on 17 August. After that, the army opened fire for nearly 20 minutes.

Residents reported the junta’s indiscriminate firing injured U Maw Tin Shar and a local woman from Palaw’s Ward No. 3 and destroyed at least ten houses.
According to a Myeik District’s Battalion 1 officer, soldiers were injured in the mine attack, although the details are currently under investigation.
Revolutionary forces control the majority of the territory in Pala, where martial law was imposed, and the military council can only exercise authority in a few communities.
According to local research organizations, nearly 70 clashes broke out between the junta army and the revolutionary forces in Tanintharyi Region in July.
News – Than Lwin Times
Photo: Social Media