Yangon, 19 August
Workers who were unfairly mistreated have no access to legal protection under the military regime, and the rate of firing for various reasons reached a record-high, said workers’ organizations.
According to a survey by the International Labor Organization (ILO) released on 12 August, employment terminations increased by 23.5 percent, dismissals rose 41 per cent while resignations were up 22 per cent following the military takeover on 1 February 2021.
According to the statement, just 29.5 percent of the dismissed, mostly men and more senior workers, received statutory severance pay.
“The violation of labor rights reached its highest point during the time of the Labor Council, and the worst was being fired for various reasons,” said Daw Moe Sandar Myint, president of the Federation of General Workers Myanmar – FGWM.

The statement also said that public sector terminations increased by 392 percent following the military takeover, with most occurring in the education sector.
After losing jobs, 70 percent found waged jobs, and 30 percent became self-employed.
A worker told Than Lwin Times, “There are many difficulties in finding a job again, and I am faced with requests that exceed my qualifications. It is no longer easy to get a job after turning 30.
On the other hand, it takes at least five months for workers to return to paid work, and some workers go abroad to work through illegal routes.
“Myanmar workers are facing a set of uniquely difficult circumstances, and there is a desperate need to respect labor rights,” said the ILO’s Myanmar Liaison Coordinator.
The world’s second-largest fashion retailer, H&M, is planning to leave Myanmar due to the increasing oppression of workers in local garment factories, according to some foreign media outlets.
News – Than Lwin Times
Photo: NUB