Nay Pyi Taw, 24 August
Only the military junta is to blame for the ongoing bloodshed in Myanmar, said U Nya Phone Latt, spokesperson of Prime Minister’s Office of National Unity Government (NUG) told Than Lwin Times.
General Zaw Min Tun stated at the 22nd military council’s press conference on 22 August that individuals involved in the voter fraud chose a path of armed violence that is currently taking place.
Regarding the military council’s statement, NUG Prime Minister’s Office spokesman U Nay Phone Latt said, “We initially protested the coup peacefully. We joined the revolution by choosing the armed path because it was inevitable. Only the junta army is committing violence and torturing the public”.
He added that the spring revolution started when the army tried to seize power from the government elected by the people, and it was the army that shot at the heads of peaceful protestors and arbitrarily arrested and tortured them.
According to a report by the UN’s Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM) released on August 8, war crimes committed by the military junta and its allies have been more frequent and brazen.

Furthermore, the report stated that mass killings of civilians and captured combatants have intensified, and deliberate burning of civilian homes and buildings has resulted in the devastation of entire villages in some regions.
As for the military council, there is no reason to hold talks with terrorists in the future, and the revolutionary forces need to announce to the world that they have stopped and condemned the violence, said General Zaw Min Tun at a press conference.
U Nay Phone Latt said, “The world has clearly seen who is doing the violence, so the world countries are imposing economic sanctions on the military, and the military is isolated”.
The military council designated opposition revolutionary groups such as the National Unity Government (NUG), the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), and the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) as terrorist organizations.
Acting President Duwa Lashi La declared in December 2022 that the door to dialogue is open provided the military agrees five demands, including permanent disengagement from politics and annulment of the 2008 constitution.
News-Than Lwin Times
Photo-Social Media