Mawlamyine, 12 September
The new commanders were appointed for three brigades of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the spokesperson of the KNU, Padoh Saw Tony confirmed to Than Lwin Times.
The brigade commanders and strategic commanders for the 4th, 6th, and 7th brigades of the KNLA, an armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU), were recently appointed.
The decision was made at the meeting of the KNLA to appoint new commanders for the three brigades.
According to Karen National Media, KNLA Colonel Saw Di Kwe Htoo for the 7th Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Saw Phoe Lay for 4th Brigade, and Colonel Saw Koe Htoo for the 6th Brigade have been named as brigade commanders, and Saw Phoe Du for the 7th Brigade, Saw Lay Thein for the 4th Brigade, and Sawe Nae Dar Htoo for the 6th Brigade have been appointed as strategic commanders.

Previously, the commander of the 7th KNLA brigade was Brigadier General Saw Phaw Do; the commander of the 6th brigade was Brigadier General Saw Sar Mi Sae Phoe, the brother of former KNU president General Saw Mutu Sae Phoe; and the brigade commander of the 4th brigade was Brigadier General Saw Lay Mu.
A young Karen said that the appointment of new brigade commanders and strategic commanders in three brigades is seen as a success for the people.
The appointment of new KNLA brigade commanders will not have a direct impact on the military, but the KNU adheres to its policy of overthrowing the military dictatorship, noted Padoh Saw Tony.
Among the three KNLA brigades, clashes broke out in the 6th Brigade of Dooplaya District with the junta army, while the 7th Brigade of Hpa-an District and the 4th Brigade of Myeik-Dawei District saw a few fighting, according to the KNU.
News: Than Lwin Times
Photo: Karen National Media