Kyondoe, 21 September
Two children were injured in an explosion caused by junta shelling in Karen State’s Kyaikdon and Kyondoe Townships, according to a report by KNU’s Dooplaya District on 20 September.
On 16 September, military units stationed at a school in Taung Kya Inn Village of Kyondoe Township under KNU-controlled Dooplaya District deliberately fired 60 mm mortar shells into the villages, causing an explosion in Naung Talar Village.
A shrapnel from the explosion in the village of Naung Talar hit a 15-year-old boy in the forehead.
According to the reports, the locals are terrified and fleeing because junta troops stationed in the villages Kyondoe Township are launching heavy weapons into the communities every day.

Yesterday, Kyaikdon-based Infantry Battalion 561, under the command of the Military Operational Command-13 (MOC-13) strategist Thaw Zin Naing, launched a 60-mm artillery shell that exploded near the bridge in Kyondoe, injuring a 15-year-old girl on her right leg, according to the statement.
According to the KNU, under the directive of Kyaikdo-based strategist Thaw Zin Nai in Kawkareik Township, the junta army shelled weapons into the villages where the people lived and arrested and tortured innocent people for no reason.
In August, two locals were arrested and tortured for no reason by a junta group led by strategic commander Thaw Zin Naing from MOC-13 in Kyaikdon, according to a statement.
News-Than Lwin Times