Kyaukkyi, 1 November
The Battalion 3 of the Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) has issued a notice to anyone involved in the administrative mechanisms of the military council in Kyaukkyi and Natthankwin, in the territory of the KNU Brigade 3, to stop working for the regime.
The KNU issued the notice for departmental staff in Kyaukkyi and Natthankwin Townships on October 30, with the signature of the Commander of KNDO Battalion 3, Saw Hla Shwe He.
According to the statement, the KNDO Battalion 3 commander has informed anyone involved in the administration mechanisms of the military council, such as health, education, economy, social, police, fire brigade, administration, and audit offices, in the area to stop working.

In addition, the KNDO has warned those who came from other regions to join the administrative mechanism of the military council in Kyaukgyi and Natsamkyuin Townships to go back to their hometowns.
The KNDO Battalion 3 said it will not be responsible for the consequences for those who do not comply with this statement.
Frequent clashes have erupted between the junta army and the joint forces of the KNLA Brigade in Kyaukkyi and Natthankwin, and in June, the fierce battle between the two sides in Natthankwin killed several junta troops, and many weapons and ammunition were seized by the allied forces.
News-Than Lwin Times