Yangon, 28 November
The junta has recently deployed troops in schools and universities in major cities, including Yangon, while opening front lines throughout the country.
Since last week, the regime troops have been stationed at the No. 1 and No. 3 high schools, as well as the No. 7 middle school and No. 4 primary school in North Okklapa township.
According to local reports, the soldiers were also stationed at schools in Tamwe, Taikgyi, Dagonseikkan, North Okklapa, Dawpon, North Dagon, Hlaing Tharyar, Insein, Hlaing, and Thingankyun.
According to a student, a small group of soldiers and police officers were stationed on the Yangon University campus and conducting inspections.
On November 26, a Sittwe resident reported that nearly 100 soldiers and police were staying at Sittwe University’s graduation hall in Rakhine State to provide security.
According to a resident of Sittwe, the presence of soldiers is causing disturbances for those going to school, and residents are also concerned about a possible fight.
The junta troops have been stationed in schools, universities, hospitals, and religious buildings in areas where heavy fighting has taken place since the coup.
Political analyst U Than Soe Naing said, “The military council has taken up positions in strong buildings such as schools and hospitals and is preparing a defense strategy in the town.”

Few children attend school in Yangon due to the presence of soldiers in some schools, and parents are concerned about shootings and explosions near schools.
Sayar Kyaung, a Yangon UG Association (YUA) official, stated that the military council sent troops into schools to spread propaganda about the attacks on schools.
On November 11, after the Karenni resistance forces attacked the regime troops stationed at the University of Loikaw, the academic staff and their family members who were trapped inside the university were evacuated.
Junta spokesperson General Zaw Min Tun disseminated the news that the education staff had been arrested by the revolutionary forces.
The Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM) has announced that it has received a lot of evidence that the junta army has carried out airstrikes targeting civilian areas such as schools and monasteries.
According to the data compiled by Than Lwin Times, the military council was stationed at the entrances of Pyay University, Monywa University of Economics, Monywa University of Technology, Yangon, Hlaing, Moenyin, Kale, and other universities in regions and states.
The military council is not paying attention to the international law of war and international military procedure and is only giving priority to not losing territories, and the revolutionary forces have warned the people to avoid places close to the military regime.
News – Than Lwin Times
Photo – Getty Images