Mawlamyine, November (11)
Since November 9,
According to military council reports, the New Mon Party (NMS) has been participating in the third round of peace talks with the military council in Nay Pyi Taw since November 9, despite complaints from Mon organizations and Mon youths.
The delegation, led by NMSP Vice Chairman Nai Aung Min, met with Gen Yar Pyae, Chairman of the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNCLt), and members of the NSPNCLt.
The attendees discussed the list of Union legislation (Table 1), the list of region or state legislation (Table 2) in the 2008 Constitution, which remains to be discussed, and the findings on the agreements included in Parts I, II, and III of the Union Accord.
The second day of the third round of peace talks between the Military Council and the New Mon Party continued on November 10.
On September 16, ten Mon organizations participating in Mon politics sent an open letter claiming that the military council’s peace negotiations were a lie designed to acquire legitimacy for their group and find a political escape.
The New Mon State Party (NMSP), on the other hand, met with the coup military council for the third time and was the armed organization that met with the military council the most.
The New Mon Party’s visit to the military regime for peace talks has drawn criticism from young Mon people for disrespecting the people’s wishes.
The NMSP officials did not respond to Than Lwin Times’ questions regarding the third round of peace talks with the military council.
News-Than Lwin Times