Mawlamyine, April (10)

In Mon State, many have decided to boycott the coup junta’s Thingyan Festival.

At a time when the country is in upheaval, the Mon State’s military council plans to organise a great Thingyan Festival. In other townships, pavilions are also being constructed.

To honour Mawlamyine Thingyan in full force, the military council ordered departmental offices, ethnic representation organisations, and women’s groups to perform “Yein,” a Thingyan dance, with one performance per group.

According to a local, the military council’s goal in holding the Thingyan festival is to divert attention away from the revolution, but the people would not participate in the events.

“The skirmishes are going on in other ethnic states. People die every day. You should not be happy neglecting it. It is inhumane, in my opinion. I myself am not involved in the festival at all,” he added.

Some young people have decided to go to a meditation centre with their families during Thingyan. Some young people say that they will spend the Thingyan period eating and drinking at home with friends.

The Thingyan Festival takes place every year as usual and can be celebrated again. One young man expressed a great desire to reduce the enjoyment and continue to fight against the injustices of the military council.

“After the coup, the people could not accept the military council. Not all people attend all the festivals and events of the regime. This is to show that our will does not accept them. No matter what they do to get the people involved, we, our people, do not forgive the atrocities committed by junta. I have no plans to take part in their events.”

Events such as paying tribute to the elderly, releasing fish, and providing food (Satudithar) have been planned by the junta.

Revolutionary forces have demanded that the people not take part in the Thingyan Festival to be held by the coup junta and warned them not to go near Thingyan pavilions.

News – Than Lwin Times

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