Mawlamyine, April (19)

The KNU cut the access of water for regime troops and the regime then threatens to destroy the villages. This act causes trouble to civilians and the regime should stage a war that looks like a war, said spokesperson of KNU, Pado Saw Taw Ni.

The military council sent a letter of notification to KNU which has cut off water supply to the Kwilongdaing base of the 5th Light Infantry Battalion in Kyaikdon area, Kyainseikgyi Township, under the control of KNU Brigade 6.

The letter said that it was imperative for the military council to reopen the blocked creek above the military base and to provide water. It also warned that failure to reopen the creek will result in the destruction of villages around the camp and asked to reply within three days of receiving the letter.

“This kind of abduction and intimidation of villagers should not be done. If we fight, we must fight like a war. It is just like a tit for tat,” the spokesperson said.

The Kwilongdaing base is located not far from the Thai-Myanmar border in Kyainseikgyi Township.

Last month, the KNU cut off food and water supply routes to other military council camps in the 6th Brigade area, including the Kwilongdaing camp.

Currently, fighting between the military council and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) is intensifying in the Brigade 6 area and the military council is stepping up its military operations.

News – Than Lwin Times

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