Yangon, April (28)

On April 27, the Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government (NUG) warned Pyu Saw Htee and the stooges of the junta that if they continue to commit acts of violence, they will face military action.

The NUG Defense Ministry said in a statement that the military council has formed armed groups, including Pyu Saw Htee, and equipped them with weapons in order to replenish the weakened army, and has cracked down on civilians.

In addition, the dictatorship has set fire to villages, perpetrated violence, violated human rights, incited discord among citizens, and attacked the PDFs and revolutionary forces, according to the statement.

It has been announced that Pyu Saw Htee groups should hand over weapons to the People’s Defense Army (PDF) and the People’s Revolutionary Forces, with NUG providing the necessary protection to those who join on time.

It further indicated that if the Pyu Saw Htee organizations refuse to cooperate and engage in violence, they will not be pardoned and will be subjected to legal and military action.

If those who have different political views and those who have not been able to join the CDM under certain circumstances, believe in democracy, no action will be taken against them as a military target or a member of a terrorist organization, the NUG’s Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

News – Than Lwin Times

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