As the military conflict in southern Myanmar worsens, the demands and hardships of war refugees have grown.

Food, shelter, and medicine are in short supply in five KNU-controlled districts, according to those supporting evacuees.

Refugees are affected by the effects of the weather and civil war, and they also suffer health issues.

According to Saw Nanda Su, a spokesman for the Karen Human Rights Group, there are currently over 120,000 IDPs in KNU-controlled territories.

Residents of Lay Kay Kaw who have been displaced by the ongoing fighting are unable to return home, and refugees in Tanintharyi Region continue to face several challenges.

Fighting slowed down a bit last month, and the refugees from Belin Township returned home, but renewed fighting has displaced around 7,000 people this week.

The military council onslaught has displaced 170,000 IDPs across Karenni State.


Locals have been forced to flee their homes and become refugees as a result of a series of armed clashes in Bago and Tanintharyi Regions as well as Mon, Karenni and Karen States.

Most of the refugees have fled their homes and moved to disaster-stricken areas with poor health care.

Amid escalating conflict since the military coup, there are now more than 330,000 refugees in southern Myanmar.

More than 30,000 people have been displaced since the beginning of this year because of the clashes in Shwe Kyin, Kyauk Gyi and Nyaung Lay Pin Townships of Bago Region.

About 90,220 IDPs in Myawaddy, Hlaing Bwe, Kawkareik and Hpa-pun Townships in Karen State have been relocated to woodlands.

There have been more than 5,000 refugees in Myaing Gyi Ngu refugee camp in Karen State since 2016, and more than 500 people have been displaced by the fighting in villages in

In some townships in Tanintharyi Division, more than 3,700 IDPs have been relocated.

The renewed fighting has increased the number of refugees to 7,000 in Belin, Mon State.

With fleeing from battle, lack of good health care and natural disasters, refugees are losing access to education.

News – Than Lwin Times
The data on civil war refugees is compiled by the Karen National Union (KNU) and Karen human rights groups based on the facts on the ground.

Note: There are already more than 900,000 internally displaced persons across Myanmar. The Than Lwin Times only covers the situation of refugees in its base in southern Myanmar.

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