Kyaikto, May (29)

A child in Mon State’s Kyaikto Township was not infected with the monkeypox disease but contracted hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD), Dr Nanda Win, the director of the military council’s state health department, told Than Lwin Times.

In recent days, in Kyaikto Township, a five-year-old boy in Wadek Kwin village has developed symptoms similar to those of monkeypox disease.

Two days after the illness, the baby developed rashes and blisters on the outside of his body and on his arms and legs.

The baby was diagnosed with HFMD, Dr. Nanda Win said.

He continued, “The baby was carefully examined by a pediatrician to see if he was infected with monkeypox. But not like that. It is caused by a virus called HFMD, which causes rashes on the hands, feet and mouth”.

The infected child is being treated at Theinzayat District Hospital and is in good health.

Hand,foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a disease caused by a variety of viruses and is most common in children.

Infection can cause boil in the mouth and rashes on the hands and feet.

HFMD, also known as hand, foot and mouth disease, is not severe but requires two weeks of treatment.

News – Than Lwin Times

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