Moebye, June (9)

Fighting between the military council and the local People’s Defense Force has resumed in Moebye area on the border of Shan State and Kayah State starting June 6.

The clashes resumed as the military council launched a full-scale offensive.

Two civilians were killed and two others were injured when the junta launched artillery shells into the town on June 7 during fighting between the two sides, according to a Moebye Social Relief Association official.

Thousands of Moebye inhabitants are currently fleeing to safe places and IDP camps.

The advanced military troops are currently stationed in the Nyaungwin ward of ​​Moebye Township.

As the battle intensifies, the Moebye PDF has issued a warning to residents to seek refuge in safer areas.

Since a military takeover, at least 239 civilians have been killed in conflicts between the military council and PDFs in Karah State, according to the Karenni National Progressive Party (PKPF).

News – Than Lwin Times

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