Karenni State, July (15)

In the second week of July, there was intense fighting between Karenni PDFs and junta armed forces and  the military council suffered heavy casualties, according to the Karenni National Defence Force (KNDF).

The Karenni coalition forces carried out guerrilla attacks because the regime forces conducted military operations in Demoso, Bawlakhei and Phruso Townships.

The military council, which sustained severe casualties during the battle, supported his forces with airstrikes and heavy artillery.

The guerrilla forces attacked two junta’s transport vehicles heading towards Pufa village from Daung Ngan Khar village, killing five military personnel.

Similarly, a clash broke out between the junta forces and KNDF taking security measures in the area, near Thay Sule village. Fighting also occurred while the army was clearing the area and conducting security operations in Phruso Township.

There were casualties on the junta side, and a comrade from KNDF B-16 died in the battle at the Meslaung Hill Camp battle.

The coalition of the Central Division’s Special Task Force, Pekon PDF Batallion-2, and Inn PDF and Nay Pyi Taw PDF conducted guerrilla attacks on regime camps stationed in Paine Kone and Makaykham villages in Pekon Township on July (14).

It is reported that during the Pekon battle, the PDFs conducted RPG attacks on the place where the military council’s communication equipment was installed and the food warehouse, killing about 11 military personnel.

News – Than Lwin Times

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