Yangon, August (19)

Mobile money services are finding it difficult to continue to run their businesses because the regime’s Central Bank has instructed them to collect personal information from the customers.

On August 15, the Central Bank instructed mobile financial agents, including KPay and Wave Money, to collect complete information such as the customer’s name, copy of NRC, phone number, address, and the reason for the transfer.

In addition, the stores that provide mobile money services are instructed to follow 10 points, including installing hidden cameras (CCTV) and obtaining photographic records of the customers.

According to an agent, the military council’s restrictions may result in fewer users of these services and may have an impact on mobile financial services.

 He added that KBZ and Wave have not made an official statement yet. Most customers do not bring their NRC cards.

The Central Bank of the military council said that this action is aimed at preventing money laundering and terrorist activities from providing financial support.

A citizen warns people to stay vigilant because the junta’s restrictions may affect the safety of the people.

In addition, the agents and users of Level 3 mobile service accounts have been instructed to obtain a certificate from the police station confirming that they have not committed a criminal offense, as well as an administrator’s recommendation.

After the military seized power in a coup, the regime’s Central Bank has limited the withdrawal of cash from banks and has now instructed to collect the personal data of users of mobile money services.

News – Than Lwin Times

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