Nyaunlabyin, September (23)
There has been ongoing fighting between Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)/ Karen National Defence Organization (KNDO) and junta army invading KNU’s Brigade 3, Nyaunglaybin Distric. At the same time, the military council is dropping food supplies for its troops and carrying out airstrikes on resistance forces, the KNU reported.
The two helicopters from Taungoo Air base dropped food supplies for the troops conducting a military operation in Kyaukgyi Township on September 21 while the aircraft conducted aerial reconnaissance.

The KNU said that the Junta carried out three airstrikes on Golu village after two reconnaissance flights were detected over Kyaukgyi.
On the 14th and 17th of September, the military council added about 200 forces to the Bawkhahta camp to launch an offensive and attacked KNU’s Kyaukgyi township with aristirke.
From the time the Military Council started attacking Kyaukgyi Township on September 7, there have been fierce daily battles with the KNLA/KNDO forces until now, the statement said.
Nearly 100,000 local civilians have currently fled their homes as a result of the military operations of the junta army in the territory of the 3rd Brigade of the KNU and are in need of humanitarian aid.
News – Than Lwin Times