Maungdaw, September (24)
Many townships in Rakhine State were hit by food shortages as the military council imposed restrictions on people’s movement, the locals told Than Lwin Times.
Since July, fighting has resumed between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Military Council in northern Rakhine State and Paletwa Township in Chin State, with increasing military tension.
In Maungdaw, Rathedaung and Buthidaung townships in Rakhine State, the Military Council has now blocked access to highways and waterways, and restricted people’s freedom of movement.

According to a local, residents in Maungdaw Township’s northern villages are running out of food and are forced to share it with one another as a result of the military council’s restrictions.
The fighting between the (AA) and the military council forces has also been ongoing in the northern part of Maungdaw Township, which has led to an increase in the number of people fleeing the conflict. The locals complain that it is difficult to travel because checkpoints have been set up in some villages.
On September 16, the military council ordered the UN offices and civil organizations (NGOs/INGOs) in the townships of Maungdaw, Buthidaung, Rethdaung, Myauk-U, Minpya, and Myebon to suspend travel and humanitarian assistance.
“Since the other day, there has been a shortage of food in the refugee camps in Mrauk-U township, so they have to eat even rice gruel. Refugees from other townships are also running out of food,” a local told Than Lwin Times.
There are more than 20,000 people in at least 28 IDP camps in Mrauk-U Township, and the IDPs may suffer because they do not receive humanitarian aid.
The Western Regional Commander, Major General Htin Lat Oo, issued an order as the conflict worsens in Maungdaw, Buthidaung, Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, and Chin State’s Palatwa Township.
In that order, it is stated that the road and waterway checkpoints should be properly inspected to prevent any vehicles from passing through the checkpoints, and the traders, businessmen and staff should be summoned and warned that effective action will be taken if they contacted with AA.
The Arakan Army (AA) has occupied two junta camps at mile post number 40, Border Guard Force and 352nd Light Infantry Battalion in Rakhine State, where the fighting has resumed again.
News – Than Lwin Times