Yangon, October (20)
Myanmar’s internet freedom has been steadily declining since the coup, and in 2022, like China, it has become one of the countries with the least internet freedom, according to the report on global internet freedom.
In 2022, the second year after the military takeover, Myanmar, together with China, rose to the top of the list of nations with the worst records for violating digital rights, the Free Expression Myanmar, which conducted a survey for Myanmar in a global survey, said.
In the 2022 Global Internet Freedom report, using dozens of indicators to compare the countries, Myanmar’s Internet freedom dropped continuously from 17 points in 2021 to 12 points in 2022, out of a total score of 100.
Myanmar has a total of 25 points in the internet accessibility sector, which dropped from 4 points in 2021 to 2 points this year.

The military has issued orders to cut off internet access nationwide, increase mobile data prices and sim card taxes, severely limiting the affordability of internet connections amid the weakening economy.
Upon the restrictions on internet content, Myanmar’s score dropped from 7 points in 2021 to 6 points in 2022.
In addition, Myanmar ranked at 4 points out of a total of 40 regarding user rights violations, down from 6 points in 2021.
Although Myanmar authorities do not use high-tech censorship and repression of Internet users like China, the Global Internet Freedom report states that the arrest and imprisonment of Internet users is worse than in China.
News – Than Lwin Times